Wood Energy Teams RFP Webcast - Tuesday, July 16th, 2:00 pm eastern
On Tuesday, July 16th at 2pm eastern, the USDA Forest Service will hold a webinar to share information about the 2013 Forest Service Statewide Wood Energy Team RFP that was published on the Federal Register this week.
The link to the webinar is here: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/usda/join?id=G7NKDK&role=attend&pw=tK-(7&Dwt
The Federal Register notice can also be found here: https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/07/09/2013-16361/request-for-proposals-for-2013-statewide-wood-energy-teams
More detailed information about the RFP can be found on the Wood Education and Resource Center website:http://na.fs.fed.us/werc/wood-energy
Colorado Tree Farmer of the Year Celebration - August 3
Location - Bill & Patti Szilva's Tree Farm, Bayfield CO
Details soon
Larimer Tree Farmers Summer Picnic - August 17
Location - Estes Park
Details soon
2013 Aerial forest health survey
Attached is a brief summary of the first two week's results of my role in the 2013 aerial forest health survey of Colorado.
William M, Ciesla
Forest Health Management International
Fort Collins, CO 80525
A Full Cost Accounting of the 2010 Schultz Fire
The Schultz Fire of 2010 burned just over 15,000 forested acres and caused the evacuation of hundreds of homes. Heavy floods followed the fire, resulting in extensive damage to property downstream from the charred hillsides. Nearly three years later, seasonal flooding is still a concern and residents continue to live under the threat of swift floodwaters that may carve unanticipated pathways through their sloping neighborhoods.
Official reports form city, county, state, and federal governments have listed response and mitigation costs of the fire and flood at nearly $60 million. This study adds to those costs, exploring the impacts on private property owners, as well as societal costs that are often overlooked when quantifying the full impact of disasters.
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New, Expanded YouTube Channel
The Colorado Tree Farmer's YouTube channel now contains links to videos on a variety of forest related topics.
Take a look